I'd like to start off this post with these sexy babes I found on eBay:

Only $135.71 Canadian! And it's my birthday! ... Get it?
Those are so tasty.

You may have seen the trailer for this movie, or maybe saw a different cover for it in your local athenaeum or bookstore. Two things. ONE: Ignore the trailer for the film. The book is NOT full of explosions and action sequences. In fact, I bet the movie will be long and drawn out but in a beautiful bleak way. TWO: Read the book before you watch the movie. It almost made me cry (goodbye 'tough guy cred'...).
I am so stoked for this movie it is unbelievable. I also hope that post-nuclear becomes a fashion trend. But not the lame Industrial gas-mask-y way. More like rags and dirt and big scruffy beards and sunken eyes filled with desperation. And shopping carts.

Yes. Oh my yes, please.
That is all.
well happy belated, p.s my birthday was the day before. :)